Willows, Bloemfontein, Free State
- The guesthouse is situated on the premises of the Freestate Association for persons with disabilities. Conference facilities available. Access to the guesthouse via a ramp from the paved parking area.
- Five bedrooms with adequate space and access to the cupboards with lowered hang rail. Height of bed is 560 mm.
- Spacious bathrooms for manoeuvring of wheelchair. Two bathrooms with a bath and three rooms with a roll-in shower. Height of the bath is 490 mm.
- Roll-in shower with a lever taps and adjustable shower handle. Height of grab rail is 700 mm. The tap is not within reach of the wooden seat. Commode chairs available.
- Leg space underneath the basin with lever taps and mirror. No shelf within reach.
- Adequate space next to the toilet for side-ways transfer. Measurement from wall to front of toilet is 750 mm and height of toilet seat is 490 mm. Height of grab rail is 700 mm and cistern rail is 900 mm.
- Level access to the dining room, self-catering kitchen and coffee shop.