North Coast, Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal
- Access to the guesthouse via a long ramp from the parking area to the entrance behind the house.
- Adequate space in bathroom for manoeuvring of wheelchair.
- Adequate space next to the toilet for side-ways transfer. Measurement from wall to front of toilet is 700 mm and height of toilet seat is 420 mm. Height of grab rail is 800 mm.
- Bath available with an adjustable handheld shower and a lever tap on opposite wall of the bath. Height of bath is 520 mm.
- The basin with lever tap is on a pedestal – cupboard was removed. Adjustable mirror present.
- Regular shower available with one step at entrance of shower. Renonations is being done.
- One spacious bedroom on the ground floor. Height of bed is 570 mm.
- Access available to the dining room. Four steps to access the lounge.
- Access available to the patio and pool via a portable ramp in the garden.